

  • 不要恐慌,不要逃跑。如果您很害怕,想要离开,您可以冷静地从出口出去。
    • 如果您被阻拦,您可以询问您是否可自由离开。如果移民局官员说不,不要试图离开这栋建筑。
    • 如果您被询问,您可以告诉他们您想保持沉默。
  • 您有权保持沉默。您有权不和移民局官员说话或回答任何问题。
    • 如果他们问您在哪里出生或者如何进入美国,您可以拒绝回答或保持沉默。
    • 如果您选择保持沉默,请大声说出这几个字。
    • 如果他们要求您按照移民身份站成一组,您可以不移动或者您可以移动到没有指定为特殊组别的区域。
    • 您可以向移民局官员出示权利信息卡,表示您将保持沉默并需要和律师说话。
    • 您可以拒绝出示与出生地点相关的身份证件。
  • 不要出示假证件,不要撒谎。
  • 您有权与律师说话。如果您被拘留或拘捕,您有权立即联系一名律师。
    • 即使您没有律师,您可以告诉移民局官员您需要一名律师。
    • 如果您有律师,您有权和他们说话。如果您有一份签了名的 Form G-28,上面显示您有律师,请把他交给移民局官员。
    • 如果您没有律师,请向移民局官员索要一份公益律师清单。
    • 您也有权联系贵国领事馆领事。领事馆领事也许能帮您找一位律师。
    • 在您有机会和律师说话之前,您可以拒绝签署任何/所有文件。


Know Your Rights: If ICE Comes to Your Work Place (Employee), How to React

All people living in the United States, including undocumented immigrants, have certain U.S. Constitutional rights. If immigration officers (ICE) come to your work place, they must have a valid search warrant or the consent of your employer to enter non-public areas. If you are

undocumented and immigration officers come to your work place, be aware of the following:

  • Do not panic and do not run away. If you are frightened and feel like you need to leave, you can calmly walk toward the exit.
    • If you are stopped, you may ask if you are free to leave. If the officer says no, do not try to exit the building.
    • If you are questioned, you may tell them you want to remain silent.
  • You have the right to remain silent. You do not need to speak to the immigration authorities or answer any questions.
    • If you are asked where you were born, or how you entered the United States, you may refuse to answer or remain silent.
    • If you choose to remain silent, say so out loud.
    • If they ask you to stand in a group according to immigration status, you do not have to move, or you can move to an area that is not designated for a particular group.
    • You may show a know-your-rights card to an officer that explains that you will remain silent and wish to speak to a lawyer.
    • You may refuse to show identity documents that say what country you are from.

o Do not show any false documents and do not lie.

  • You have the right to speak to a lawyer. If you are detained or taken into custody, you have the right to immediately contact a lawyer.
    • Even if you do not have a lawyer, you may tell the immigration officers that you want to speak to one.
    • If you have a lawyer, you have the right to talk to them. If you have a signed Form G-28, which shows you have a lawyer, give it to an officer.
    • If you do not have a lawyer, ask an immigration officer for a list of pro bono lawyers.
    • You also have the right to contact your consulate. The consulate may be able to assist you in locating a lawyer.
    • You can refuse to sign any/all paperwork until you have had the opportunity to speak to a lawyer.
    • If you choose to sign something without speaking to a lawyer, be sure you understand exactly what the document says and means before you sign it.


(以上引自美国移民律师协会公益服务材料,本文件内容并不构成法律意见。The above is cited from American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA)’s public charity and interest service material.   The contents of this document do not constitute legal advice)